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[Emirats Arabes Unis] Romain CROUZIT (promo 2009, Toulouse) notre nouvel ambassadeur pays

19 février 2024 ISEG Alumni - National
Vue 195 fois

Découvrez le portrait de Romain CROUZIT,

Bonjour Romain, pouvez-vous nous dire quel a été votre parcours depuis votre sortie de l’ISEG ?

Capital Safety | Sales Engineer | 2010-2012

Capital Safety | Area Manager | 2012-2025

Capital Safety | Sales Manager | 2015-2016

3M | Market Development Manager | 2016-2019

3M | Regional Sales Manager | 2019-2022

Delta Plus | Managing Director | 2022-Present 


- Pouvez-vous nous parler de votre fonction actuelle et de votre entreprise ?

Created in 1977 by Jacques BENOIT, and led since 2011 by Jerome BENOIT, Delta Plus is one of the world's leading designer and manufacturer of personal and collective protective equipment. The company is composed of 5 families (portfolio): Head, Hand, Body, Foot and Fall. Its turnover in 2023 has reached 420M Euros. Its CSR commitment (note:RSE en francais) is focused on People, Planet and Economy (PPE) .

I am the Managing Director, in charge of the Middle East Business Unit for the group. The regional entity is rich of 100+ collaborators, and composed of offices in Sharjah, Dubai and Saudi Arabia, as well as having a local manufacturing unit based out of Sharjah, along with multiple warehouses. 


- Vous résidez et travaillez aux Emirats Arabes Unis depuis plusieurs années maintenant, quelles raisons vous ont amené à choisir ce pays en particulier ?

It started as an opportunity to work internationally and build my career, being exposed to multiple cultures and business styles; and has transformed nowadays into a life plan, with long-term perspectives in terms of work opportunities as well as family life balance. 


- Pourriez-vous nous décrire en quelques mots ce que vous a apporté cette expatriation, et pourquoi la conseilleriez-vous ?

It has brought me adaptability to work with people from different backgrounds and ways of doing things, open-mindedness on approaching challenges and finding solutions to it, and help to figure out what was important for me. 

I strongly recommend travelling and/or working abroad to be able to apprehend the complexity of the world we live in, open-up our thinking to adjust to tomorrow's world, be able to appreciate what we have (as well as what we miss), and ultimately gear up to have weight further on changes.  


- Vous avez accepté d’être notre ambassadeur aux EAU aux côtés de Luc Morvan, quelles sont les motifs de votre engagement ?

I wish to contribute at my level on helping the French community to develop abroad, and increased the positive weight of France in the regional map.


- Un conseil pour nos jeunes et futurs diplômés qui souhaiteraient s’expatrier ?

Working abroad is the mandatory first step to appreciate the things we have or change the ones we desire. 

"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." - Albert Einstein 


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